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Silicone is the new wave for bongs, rigs, and marijuana pipes. It offers more durability and style from other materials.

We went through our massive inventory of water pipes, and made a list of the top 10 girly and cute bongs for sale! Every herb lover will say that their bong is the most beautiful piece of art they own.
This guide features some unique and cool bongs that are currently on the market. No one ever said that bongs can’t have personality as well. These are great gifts for individuals who are looking to add to a collection or those who are hoping to find something that is sure to stand out.
It has happened to all of us at some point. You're at home, and your only piece of glass breaks. Your cat might have knocked it on the tiles, it broke while cleaning, or your butterfingers let it slip mid-toke - Here is a step by step guide on how to make a watter bottle bong.
Just because you can't find any alcohol to clean your bongs and glassware the conventional way, it's no excuse for a dirty bong.
If you’re even reading this, it is safe to assume you’re a stoner. As such, you’ve probably smoked out of your fair share of bongs, or maybe not. Perhaps you want to learn more about the different types of bongs or maybe you are on a mission to find the best type of bong – whichever is your goal, you will be able to accomplish it right here.

How to Use a Bong: The Setup and the Inhale

For old time bong rippers, a how-to guide on smoking a bong seems like overkill. But even chronics may not know how to make the smoke smoother and the hit better. 

How To Clean a Bong 🧽? Step By Step Guide
