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Spice up your hand pipe collection and grab a glass cannabis pipe designed to look like everyone’s favorite summer fruit. The 4” Handheld Glass Pipe with Unique Strawberry Design looks exactly like a delectable strawberry. This pipe fits perfectly in your hand and will allow you to smoke easily with no complex moving parts or setup process. This tiny pipe is just big enough to get its job done and look cute while doing it. You will be satisfied with this unique product from the best online smoke shop.
If you’re someone who is new to smoking, those giant dab rigs and deep bowls can be intimidating. With this cute, handheld strawberry weed pipe users can easily measure out smaller doses that will encourage them to start low and go slow. These pipes are perfect for casual smoking sessions, whether you’re on the go, or relaxing at home.
Lots of smoking products can be a pain to drag around. When you’re out enjoying nature or on the road, lugging around a massive bong is both tedious and a risky proposition. With the handheld strawberry glass pipe, you can easily carry everything you need in your pocket, eliminating the need to use up backpack space while traveling. There’s no beating the convenience of being able to pull a pipe out of your pocket and enjoy smoking cannabis on a walk!
Let’s face it: a lot of pipes try too hard to be “extreme”. For those with a laid-back personality, the standard cannabis smoking tools have a particular aesthetic that can seem overbearing. This pipe, on the other hand, is fun, fruity, and playful.
In addition to being great for on-the-go storage, the act of smoking this pipe will not immediately draw too much attention. Its tiny size will allow you to take quick puffs and immediately put the pipe away in your pocket, or conceal it in your hand.
In addition to matching the color scheme of a strawberry, this pipe also has black dots that pop out. This unique texture adds flair to your pipe and makes it more fun to hold.