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Quartz Mini Dab Rig Full Kit - Toxic Barrel

Quartz Mini Dab Rig Full Kit

Dive into a world where size meets sophistication with the Ooze Toxic Barrel Mini Dab Rig, the latest innovation for flavor-focused dab enthusiasts. This rig, Ooze’s premier 100% quartz masterpiece, is designed to amplify your smoking session with unparalleled taste. A game-changer for those who cherish the nuances of their dabs, the Toxic Barrel Mini Dab Rig is all about delivering maximum flavor in every inhale.

Why Quartz Dab Rig?

Quartz is a highly sought-after material for dab rigs because it has a huge coefficient of expansion, which means that it handles heat very well. It is a durable material as far as glass goes, and resists cracking when exposed to extremely high temperatures. The flat bottom banger is also made of quartz, making it easy to vaporize every drop of concentrate. Mini rigs produce more flavorful vapor than larger pieces. Terpenes lose flavor when they touch the air inside the rig, so the minimal air inside the Toxic Barrel helps preserve the flavors until they’re inhaled. The vapor is cooled and filtered in an instant, and delivered on a short path to the mouthpiece.

What’s Inside Toxic Barrel Quartz Mini Dab Rig:

  • Quartz Toxic Barrel Mini Dab Rig 
  • Quartz Banger
  • Bubble Carb Cap
  • Steel Dabbing Tool
  • Silicone Glass Stash Jar


  • TOXIC BARREL | The Ooze Toxic Barrel Mini Rig is a quartz piece that is designed to look like an overflowing barrel of radioactive waste.
  • QUARTZ | The entire mini rig is made of quartz glass. This is a popular material for dab rigs because it handles heat well and evenly distributes it.
  • MINI RIG | Mini rigs are popular with customers who prefer more flavorful dabs over dabs that are hotter and more potent. The minimal air inside the rig helps to preserve the terpenes’ flavors.
  • COLD-START DABS | This mini rig is perfect for cold-start dabs. Add the concentrate to the banger before it’s heated, and heat with a torch until the wax begins to melt. Cap the banger with the carb cap and swirl it around to vaporize every drop.



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